Life Membership Fees Increase 01 July
Life membership fees will increase effective 01 July. If anyone is interested in becoming a life member of our Marine Corps League, please consider doing so by the date of our next Detachment town hall on Thursday, 22 June so that we may submit to National Mairne Corps League by the end of the month. The new fees for life membership, effective 01 July, are as follows:
35 years of age and lower - $1,000
35 - 50 years of age - $800
51 - 64 years of age - $600
65 - 84 years of age - $400
85 years of age and older $100
Select the form of your choice of memberships in the Marine Corps League and enclose a check or money order for $35.00 for 1 year REGULAR membership. You can fill the apropriate form from the drop down menu and submit it electronicly for processing and mail in any paperwork necessary along with membership dues. Or, you can complete the apropriate form, print it out and send it to the above address with a copy of your DD-214. Thank you...Make check or money order payable to: Marine Corps League, in the memo: Det.1199...Semper Fi.
To print the form below RIGHT click on the page, click SAVE your desk top, then select PRINT from the file menu. Do the same for page 2. Fill out the form and mail it in.